If most of your income is coming from the services rendered to the clients you are working too hard! Sixty to 80 percent of your daily income should be coming from the sales of your skin care to your clients. We must take the time with our clients during consultation of our Esthetic services to make sure the clients are using the proper products and that they are all purchased from you their Professional Esthetician (aka Skin Specialist).
In order to get the results required every client should be going home with skin care best suited to their needs and skin. Focus more on taking the time to education and sell to every client. An additional 10 minutes given to each client will make a world of difference to your sales. Do not be afraid to sell to your clients – you would only be doing your job! Weekly facials are wonderful but using appropriate skin care morning and night would be amazing asset to this skin care regiment.
Your client should be visiting you approximately every 4-6 weeks (8 weeks at a maximum) if they are truly serious about their skin care. However they should only need to buy their regular use products (Cleanser, Toner, Day & Night Cream) every 3-6 months depending on their daily usage and the product line chosen. It’s very important to make sure that they understand how much product they should be using, so don’t be afraid to show them and don’t assume that they’ll just know, especially when dealing with professional lines like France Laure, Phyto5 and Pier Augé. A little goes a long way.
Additional products that will dramatically boost results (goals can be accomplished up to 50-70% faster) by using an exfoliant (after cleanser & toner, twice per week max), a mask (2-3 times per week) and a serum (always before mask) will also dramatically boost your income. This is important if you want to continue providing an excellent service to your clients, lest they go somewhere else.
If a client purchases a full set of skin care (cleanser, toner, day cream, night cream, mask, serum, exfoliant) this should net you somewhere between $250 and $500 of profit every 3-6 months. If you have the bare minimum of about 20 clients you could be making between $10,000 and $40,000 per year with 10-20,000$ additional coming from services. And remember this is just profit. Your total income should be about 150% of the combined retail and services income part of which needs to cover your expenses and product costs.
If this makes sense to you, awesome! Setup an appointment with us for a business consultation and we’d be happy to show you our different lines. If this doesn’t make sense to you, no problem, give us a call and we can go over it together.
Until next time!
Taylor Opheim
Director of Business Development
Breizh Esthetics & Salon Supply Co.